On Loyalty


We have always believed that it is our duty to create value for our customers every single day. From a warm interaction, to the best coffee you’ve ever had, all the way to ensuring you were rewarded for your loyalty in the form of free drinks, discounts and beyond.  

The community we’ve built within our loyalty membership is one of our favorite things. Loyalty deserves to be rewarded. Always.  

As the economy continues to slide into unpredictability, we find ourselves as the last link in a long chain that leads from the coffee farms in South America and Africa. As a result, the consequences of rising costs compound until they ultimately hit us, and hit us they have. Where the titans of our industry have decided to scale back discounts and promos, we believe that it is merely time to adjust. 

It is no secret that our loyalty program is severely underpriced in comparison to the rest of our industry. We have held the line as long as we could, but now must rework the program to better reflect the industry standard, as well as the economic imperative. However, we are opening up new channels and promotions to further incentivize our loyal community. New ways to use your rewards points, promotional periods and sales rewarding double points, and much much more in the pipeline. 

Starting March 10, the following changes to our loyalty program will take place:


The following options are being added: 

  • Free Drink Addition (Shot, Syrup, Whipped Cream, Vibes, Etc.) - Redeemable at 25 stars. 

  • Free Brewed Coffee/Tea - Redeemable at 50 stars. 

  • Free Pastry – Redeemable at 75 stars. 

  • Free Panini/Sandwich - Redeemable at 150 stars. 

The following options are being adjusted: 

  • Free Drink – Star requirement raised to 100 from 50. 

  • Free Bag of Coffee – Star requirement raised to 250 from 120.

The following options are being removed:  

  • 50% Off an Item in Pastries: Removed in favor of free pastry tier. 


The following reward tiers are being adjusted: 

  • Bronze – Star threshold raised from 100 to 250. 

  • Silver – Star threshold raised from 250 to 500. 

  • Gold – Star threshold raised from 500 to 1000. Point multiplier raised from 1.75x to 2x. 

  • Revolutionary – Star threshold raised from 1,000 to 1,500.  

The following reward tier is being added: 

  • Founder – Threshold reached at 3,000 stars. Point multiplier active is 3x. 

PLEASE NOTE: Your loyalty reward tier will not change if you are below the new threshold. You will maintain your current tier. 

Additionally, we will begin periodically run multiplier and bonus star campaigns. These will be promotions where you can obtain bonus stars for limited periods on certain items. We’re very excited to use this functionality.  

We appreciate each and every one of you so much. While the tides rise, we will adapt and rise as well. Your patience and understanding mean the world. We look forward to the future, and new, innovative ways to serve YOU, our very favorite people! 


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